I haven’t been anywhere, to tell you the truth, not in the real world anyway. What have I been doing?
*I moderated a Google hangout on collaboration in scholarly publishing with several university-press directors. You can help make it go viral on YouTube (or just watch it–up to you).
*Then I wrote a story about wrong turns and misunderstandings that researchers encounter in the archives, and why researchers and archivists need to talk to each other more (“When the Archive Won’t Yield Its Secrets,” CHE, Dec. 1, 2014). It’s behind the Chronicle paywall–sorry–but if you can’t get to it, drop me an email and I’ll send it to you. Some great stories of archival frustration are turning up in the comments; add yours if you have a good one to share.
*I picked up the novel I’ve been working on fitfully. No more fits now–just finishing the thing. More on that when there’s more to tell. Fingers crossed.