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Archives for Clutter
“Quick-witted and insightful”
CLUTTER: AN UNTIDY HISTORY gets its first advance review: “Howard’s exploration of one dark corner of consumer culture is quick-witted and insightful—and, appropriately for the subject, refreshingly concise….A keen assessment of one of society’s secret shames and its little-understood consequences.” Thanks, Kirkus Reviews, for the terrific writeup!
Cover Reveal!
My book now has a title, a cover, and a publication date! Clutter: A History will be out in the world October 6, 2020, from Belt Publishing. (Yes, you can even pre-order it.) I hope you love the cover as much as I do. (Cover design by the supremely talented David Wilson, creative director at… Continue reading »
Would You Let Marie Kondo Tidy Your Books?
As a dedicated interpreter (and reforming practitioner) of clutter, of course I’ve been watching Marie Kondo’s tidying-up show on Netflix. I have thoughts–so many thoughts!–but have been too busy with book work to write them up yet. Soon, soon. To tide you over, read novelist Anakana Schofield in the Guardian on why she reacts so… Continue reading »