CLUTTER: AN UNTIDY HISTORY gets its first advance review: “Howard’s exploration of one dark corner of consumer culture is quick-witted and insightful—and, appropriately for the subject, refreshingly concise….A keen assessment of one of society’s secret shames and its little-understood consequences.” Thanks, Kirkus Reviews, for the terrific writeup!
My book goes off to the printer today, which means it’s now out of my hands. w00t! And I have some nice advance praise to share: “Jennifer Howard has written a brilliant and beautiful meditation on the nature of our attachment to things. Reading Clutter made me long for a life without clutter.” —Malcolm Gladwell,… Continue reading »
Pub date update!
Some news! I was wondering if my October 2020 pub date would be pushed back, given … everything. Instead it’s being pushed up. Clutter: An Untidy History will be out Sept. 1 from Belt Publishing & Belt Magazine. Pre-order it directly from Belt and help support great indie publishing.
Six Feet of Separation
Zoom and gloom, hand-washing, and hope, a k a I wrote a newsletter this week, in spite of everything. Be well, all!
Cover Reveal!
My book now has a title, a cover, and a publication date! Clutter: A History will be out in the world October 6, 2020, from Belt Publishing. (Yes, you can even pre-order it.) I hope you love the cover as much as I do. (Cover design by the supremely talented David Wilson, creative director at… Continue reading »