Happy (?) Banned Books Week! For my September newsletter, I wrote about book challenges (a big problem, and getting bigger) and carless living in this new empty-nest phase of my life.
New writing alert: me in the NYTBR
The New York Times Book Review asked me to review two new middle-grade novels that confront, in very different ways, the growing threat to kids’ freedom to read. This threat has been worrying me a lot lately, so I was especially glad to get to write about these two books. Read the review.
How to survive the empty nest
We moved our youngest kid into his first-year college dorm this past weekend, and I wrote myself a starter survival guide.
June newsletter: Solstice, SCOTUS, and sea turtles
A week at the beach—and how I’m feeling about the news.
May newsletter is out
Dead Letter Office: In the latest installment of my newsletter I embrace personal archival irresponsibility. (TL:DR: You don’t need to save all your old letters. In fact you might be happier throwing at least some of them out.)