Some news! CLUTTER is featured in the NYTBR’s “New & Noteworthy” section this coming Sunday (Aug. 30). I am thrilled and grateful (and so happy to see David Wilson’s snazzy cover design featured too).
Archives for clutter
Unboxing day!
Look what arrived today!
Would You Let Marie Kondo Tidy Your Books?
As a dedicated interpreter (and reforming practitioner) of clutter, of course I’ve been watching Marie Kondo’s tidying-up show on Netflix. I have thoughts–so many thoughts!–but have been too busy with book work to write them up yet. Soon, soon. To tide you over, read novelist Anakana Schofield in the Guardian on why she reacts so… Continue reading »
Rag and Bone Shops
Victorianists! I need your help. I’m on the hunt for information about how people in the Victorian era thought about, managed, catalogued, and got rid of their stuff. And by stuff I meanĀ household possessions: clothes, books, cookware, toys, papers and whatnot–the bric-a-brac and etceteras of daily life. I’m looking for accounts of the trade in… Continue reading »